Combinando i tuoi consigli e uno script che ho trovato online, ho creato una procedura che produrrà SQL che puoi eseguire per eseguire un'eliminazione in cascata indipendentemente da ON DELETE CASCADE
. Probabilmente è stata una grande perdita di tempo, ma mi sono divertito a scriverlo. Un vantaggio di farlo in questo modo è che puoi inserire un GO
istruzione tra ogni riga e non deve essere una grande transazione. L'originale era una procedura ricorsiva; questo srotola la ricorsione in una tabella dello stack.
create procedure usp_delete_cascade (
@base_table_name varchar(200), @base_criteria nvarchar(1000)
as begin
-- Adapted from
-- Expects the name of a table, and a conditional for selecting rows
-- within that table that you want deleted.
-- Produces SQL that, when run, deletes all table rows referencing the ones
-- you initially selected, cascading into any number of tables,
-- without the need for "ON DELETE CASCADE".
-- Does not appear to work with self-referencing tables, but it will
-- delete everything beneath them.
-- To make it easy on the server, put a "GO" statement between each line.
declare @to_delete table (
id int identity(1, 1) primary key not null,
criteria nvarchar(1000) not null,
table_name varchar(200) not null,
processed bit not null,
delete_sql varchar(1000)
insert into @to_delete (criteria, table_name, processed) values (@base_criteria, @base_table_name, 0)
declare @id int, @criteria nvarchar(1000), @table_name varchar(200)
while exists(select 1 from @to_delete where processed = 0) begin
select top 1 @id = id, @criteria = criteria, @table_name = table_name from @to_delete where processed = 0 order by id desc
insert into @to_delete (criteria, table_name, processed)
select + ' in (select [' + + '] from [' + @table_name +'] where ' + @criteria + ')',,
from sys.foreign_key_columns fk
inner join sys.columns referencing_column on fk.parent_object_id = referencing_column.object_id
and fk.parent_column_id = referencing_column.column_id
inner join sys.columns referenced_column on fk.referenced_object_id = referenced_column.object_id
and fk.referenced_column_id = referenced_column.column_id
inner join sys.objects referencing_table on fk.parent_object_id = referencing_table.object_id
inner join sys.objects referenced_table on fk.referenced_object_id = referenced_table.object_id
inner join sys.objects constraint_object on fk.constraint_object_id = constraint_object.object_id
where = @table_name
and !=
update @to_delete set
processed = 1
where id = @id
select 'print ''deleting from ' + table_name + '...''; delete from [' + table_name + '] where ' + criteria from @to_delete order by id desc
exec usp_delete_cascade 'root_table_name', 'id = 123'