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Come risolvere il problema:JSON_VALUE restituisce NULL con stringhe lunghe (SQL Server)

Se stai usando JSON_VALUE() per restituire valori costituiti da una lunga stringa, potresti scoprire che restituisce NULL invece del valore effettivo.

Oppure potresti ricevere un errore.

La causa

Questo problema si verifica perché JSON_VALUE() restituisce un singolo valore di testo di tipo nvarchar(4000) .

Quando si utilizza JSON_VALUE() per restituire stringhe più lunghe di 4000 caratteri, riceverai un errore o un NULL valore, a seconda della modalità percorso che stai utilizzando.

Modalità Lax vs Modalità Rigida

Se ricevi un errore o NULL dipenderà se usi lax o strict modalità.

Quando il valore è maggiore di 4000 caratteri:

  • In lax modalità, JSON_VALUE() restituisce null.
  • In strict modalità, JSON_VALUE() restituisce un errore.

Esempio del problema

Ecco un esempio di codice che causa il problema.

Facciamo due esempi; uno in lax modalità e l'altro in strict modalità.

Modalità negligente

DECLARE @json nvarchar(max) = N'{ 
    "article" : {
            "id" : 1,
            "text" : "If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error."
SELECT JSON_VALUE(@json, 'lax $.article.text');


| (No column name)   |
| NULL               |

Come accennato, in lax modalità restituisce NULL .

Modalità rigorosa

DECLARE @json nvarchar(max) = N'{ 
    "article" : {
            "id" : 1,
            "text" : "If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error."
SELECT JSON_VALUE(@json, 'strict $.article.text');


Msg 13625, Level 16, State 1, Line 7
String value in the specified JSON path would be truncated.

Come previsto, otteniamo un errore. Fortunatamente l'errore fornisce un indizio su cosa è andato storto, poiché indica che il valore della stringa sarebbe stato troncato.


Fortunatamente, il OPENJSON() la funzione non ha la stessa limitazione di 4000 caratteri di JSON_VALUE() ha sul suo valore di ritorno.

OPENJSON() restituisce valori JSON come nvarchar(max) .

Pertanto, possiamo utilizzare il codice seguente per risolvere il problema.

DECLARE @json nvarchar(max) = N'{ 
    "article" : {
            "id" : 1,
            "text" : "If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error."
SELECT text FROM OPENJSON(@json, '$.article') 
WITH (text nvarchar(max) '$.text');


If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error.