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La query TSQL restituisce i valori per ogni ora delle ultime 24 ore

Il tuo problema sembra essere che l'intervallo di tempo deve essere suddiviso in ore. Quindi, devi iniziare con tutte le ore del giorno. Quindi calcoli la sovrapposizione, sommi le differenze (sotto in millisecondi) e riconverti tutto in un tempo per l'output.

with const as (
        select dateadd(hour, 1, cast(cast(getdate() -1 as date) as datetime)) as midnight            
    allhours as (
        select 0 as hour, midnight as timestart, dateadd(hour, 1, midnight) as timeend from const union all
        select 1 as hour, dateadd(hour, 1, midnight), dateadd(hour, 2, midnight) from const union all
        select 2 as hour, dateadd(hour, 2, midnight), dateadd(hour, 3, midnight)  from const union all
        . . .
        select 23 as hour, dateadd(hour, 23, midnight), dateadd(hour, 24, midnight) from const
select ah.hour,
       sum(datediff(ms, (case when ah.timestart >= dt.begin then timestart else dt.begin end),
                        (case when ah.timeend <= dt.end then ah.timeend else dt.end end)
           ) as totalms,
       cast(dateadd(ms, sum(datediff(ms, (case when ah.timestart >= dt.begin then timestart else dt.begin end),
                                     (case when ah.timeend <= dt.end then ah.timeend else dt.end end)
                     0) as time
           ) as totalTime
from allhours ah left outer join
     DeviceTable dt
     on ah.timestart< coalesce(dt.end, getdate()) and
        ah.timeend >= dt.begin
group by ah.hour
order by ah.hour

Inoltre, per farlo funzionare, devi racchiudere "inizio" e "fine" tra virgolette doppie o parentesi quadre. Queste sono parole riservate in T-SQL. E devi sostituire il ". . ." con linee aggiuntive per le ore 3-22.