inserisce un null
nella riga dei totali quindi se vuoi sostituirla ti suggerisco di prendere la tua query esistente e di inserirla in una sottoquery e quindi utilizzare un CASE
sul NAME
per sostituire null
a Total
Il tuo codice sarà simile a questo:
case when name is null then 'Total' else name end Name,
sum(Activated) Activated,
sum(Deactivated) Deactivated
when (upper( like '') then 'MAX'
when (upper( like '') then 'TAX'
else 'OTHER'
end Name,
SUM(case when substring(convert(varchar(8),n.created_on,112),1,6) = '201209' then 1 else 0 end) 'Activated',
SUM(case when substring(convert(varchar(8),m.LastLockoutDate,112),1,6)='201209' then 1 else 0 end) 'Deactivated'
from membership.user_details d
inner join membership.aspnet_membership m
on m.userid = d.userid
inner join membership.user_notes n
on n.userid = d.userid
and n.CREATED_ON = (select min(created_on)
from membership.user_notes
where userid = n.userid
and note = 'received.')
where approved = 1
group by case when (upper( like '') then 'MAX'
when (upper( like '') then 'TAX'
else 'OTHER' end
) src
group by name with rollup
Se non esegui il wrapping della tua query in una sottoquery, puoi utilizzare qualcosa del genere:
case when
when (upper(email) like '') then 'MAX'
when (upper(email) like '') then 'TAX'
else 'OTHER'
end) is null then 'Total'
else case
when (upper(email) like '') then 'MAX'
when (upper(email) like '') then 'TAX'
else 'OTHER'
end end Name,
SUM(case when substring(convert(varchar(8),n.created_on,112),1,6) = '201209' then 1 else 0 end) 'Activated',
SUM(case when substring(convert(varchar(8),m.LastLockoutDate,112),1,6)='201209' then 1 else 0 end) 'Deactivated'
from membership.user_details d
inner join membership.aspnet_membership m
on m.userid = d.userid
inner join membership.user_notes n
on n.userid = d.userid
and n.CREATED_ON = (select min(created_on)
from membership.user_notes
where userid = n.userid
and note = 'received.')
where approved = 1
group by case when (upper( like '') then 'MAX'
when (upper( like '') then 'TAX'
else 'OTHER' end with rollup