Puoi usare un cte ricorsivo:
with recursive t(account_id, device_id) as (
select 1, 10 union all
select 1, 11 union all
select 1, 12 union all
select 2, 10 union all
select 3, 11 union all
select 3, 13 union all
select 3, 14 union all
select 4, 15 union all
select 5, 15 union all
select 6, 16
a as (
select distinct t.account_id as a, t2.account_id as a2
from t join
t t2
on t2.device_id = t.device_id and t.account_id >= t2.account_id
cte as (
select a.a, a.a2 as mina
from a
union all
select a.a, cte.a
from cte join
on a.a2 = cte.a and a.a > cte.a
select grp, array_agg(a)
from (select a, min(mina) as grp
from cte
group by a
) a
group by grp;
Qui è un violino SQL.