 sql >> Database >  >> RDS >> Mysql

La funzione PHP funziona solo una volta

Poiché questa domanda riguarda la sicurezza.

Non utilizzare la libreria mysql_*. È estremamente vulnerabile all'iniezione di sql, in particolare per come lo stai usando. Ed è deprecato.

Supponiamo che io superi [email protected]

Nel tuo codice

$domain = $emailsep[1];   // will equal ""

Ora diciamo che lo inietto con sql injection, perché passando [email protected] è piuttosto noioso, non è vero.

Mi divertirò molto in questa riga di codice che segue:

$domaincheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM xxxxxxx WHERE domain = '$domain'", $link);

Si prega di leggere questo e questo .

E usa mysqli o pdo come prescritto da quei medici.


ora torniamo alla domanda che avevi in ​​mente

un file php

    date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); // required something here else exception below
    //ini_set("display_errors", 1);
    //require '1error_2shutdown_3log.php';  // 1. err hndlr, 2. shutdown hndlr, 3. log it somehow

    $b='<br/n>';    // great name huh ?
    $b2='<br/n><br/n>'; // great name huh ?
    echo "The time is " . date("h:i:sa").$b;
    echo "s01".$b;
    try {
            echo "s02".$b."--------------------------------------------------------------------------".$b;

        //$email = $_POST['emailreg'];
        //$firstna = $_POST['firstna'];
        //$surna = $_POST['surna'];
        //$password = $_POST['passreg'];
        //$passconfirm = $_POST['passconfirm'];
        //$userpass = $email . $password;
        //$emailsep = explode("@", $email);
        //$domain = $emailsep[1];

        $email = "[email protected]";
        $firstna = "Drew";
        $surna = "Pierce";
        $password = "secure";
        $passconfirm = "secure";
        $userpass = $email . $password;
        $emailsep = explode("@", $email);
        $domain = $emailsep[1];

        $key = md5('united');   // don't use md5
        $salt = md5('united');  // don't use md5

        function encrypt($string, $key) {
            $b='<br/n>';    // great name huh ?
            $b2='<br/n><br/n>'; // great name huh ?

            # come up with a good key, beyond the scope of this Question
            $key = pack('H*', "bcb04b7e103a0cd8b54763051cef08bc55abe029fdebae5e1d417e2ffb2a00a3"); #32 bytes
            $key_size =  strlen($key);
            echo "Key size: " . $key_size . $b; # 32, big surprise

            # create a random IV to use with CBC encoding
            # yes each time
            $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);    // using ECB cuz u were
            $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND);          

            echo "in encrypt() passed <b>",$string,"</b> and <b>",$key.'</b>'.$b;

            $rawEncrypted=mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $string, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB,$iv);
            # prepend the IV for it to be available for decryption
            $rawEncrypted = $iv . $rawEncrypted;
            $b64Encrypted= base64_encode($rawEncrypted); # <------- RIGHT HERE WE ARE DONE

            # basically we are done encrypting, could just return $b64Encrypted and be done with it
            # but no

            # lifted from manual page btw:
            # do an assert that you can decrypt for a sanity check
            $ciphertext_dec = base64_decode($b64Encrypted);

            # retrieves the IV, iv_size should be created using mcrypt_get_iv_size()
            $iv_dec = substr($ciphertext_dec, 0, $iv_size);

            # retrieves the cipher text (everything except the $iv_size in the front)
            $ciphertext_dec = substr($ciphertext_dec, $iv_size);

            # may remove 00h valued characters from end of plain text
            $plaintext_dec = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $ciphertext_dec, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv_dec);

            echo  "Assert ... plaintext= ".$plaintext_dec .$b;
            // a real Assert would make it explode, but you get the idea


            echo "leaving encrypt() with ",$b64Encrypted.$b2;
            return $b64Encrypted;

        echo "about to connect ...".$b;
        $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'GuySmiley', 'mongoose');
        if (!$link) {
            die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
        mysql_select_db("so_gibberish", $link);

        $domaincheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE domain = '$domain'", $link);
        if($domaincheck === FALSE) { 

        //echo "encrypt returns: ".encrypt($email, $key).$b;
        $emailcheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE studentemail = '".encrypt($email, $key)."'", $link);
        if($emailcheck === FALSE) { 

        $dorow = mysql_fetch_array($domaincheck);
        $emailrow = mysql_fetch_array($emailcheck);

        // the below will explode, I don't have them, changed to echo
        if ($password == '') {
        $cause = 'Password Blank'; echo 'error.php'.$b;
        }elseif ($passconfirm =='') {
        $cause = 'Password Blank'; echo 'error.php'.$b;
        }elseif ($password != $passconfirm) {
        $cause = 'Password Mismatch'; echo 'error.php'.$b;
        }elseif ($dorow['domain'] != $domain) {
        $cause = 'Incorrect Domain'; echo 'error.php'.$b;
        }elseif ($emailrow['studentemail'] != '') {
        $cause = 'User Already Exists'; echo 'error.php'.$b;
        //elseif ($dorow['licensecount'] > $dorow['licensemax']) { # commented out cuz I dont have this table
        //$cause = 'Insufficient Licences'; echo 'error.php'.$b;
        //}else {

        function hashword($string, $salt){
            $b='<br/n>';    // great name huh ?
            echo "in hashword()".$b;
            $string = crypt($string, '$1$' . $salt . '$');
            return $string;

        echo "s10".$b;
        $userpass = hashword($userpass, $salt);
        echo "s11".$b;
        echo $userpass.$b;

        $hash = md5( rand(0,1000) );    // don't use md5, get a good RNG (random # generator)

        echo "s12".$b;
$sql="INSERT INTO `xxxxxxx`.`xxxxxxx`
(`hash`, `studentemail`, `studentfirstname`, `studentsurname`,
`oscopetutcount`, `siggentutcount`, `mmetertutcount`, `lprobetutcount`,
`psupplytutcount`, `oscopetest`, `siggentest`, `mmetertest`, `lprobetest`,
`psupplytest`, `exam`, `userpass`, `ID`, `domain`, `licensecount`,
`licensemax`, `licenceexpire`)

VALUES ('$hash', '".encrypt($email, $key)."', '".encrypt($firstna, $key)."',
'".encrypt($surna, $key)."', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0',
'0', '0', '$userpass', NULL, '', '0', '', NULL)";

        echo $sql.$b;
        //$result = mysql_query($sql, $link);

        //$licenceadd = mysql_query("UPDATE xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx SET licensecount = licensecount +1 WHERE domain = '$domain'", $link);

        //if($result === FALSE) { 
        //    die(mysql_error()); 

        //if($licenceadd === FALSE) { 
        //    die(mysql_error()); 

        //include 'email.php'; 

        echo "near bottom".$b;


    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), $b;
    } finally {
        echo $b."--------------------------------------------------------------------------".$b."First finally".$b;

Schema che era attivo quando l'ho eseguito

create table t1
(   id int auto_increment primary key,
    domain varchar(100) not null,
insert t1(domain) values (''),(''),('');

-- drop table t2;
create table t2
(   id int auto_increment primary key,
    fullName varchar(80) not null,
    studentemail varchar(1000) not null
    -- key(studentemail)
-- truncate table t2;
insert t2(fullName,studentemail) values ('Drew Pierce','who-knows');

L'output dello schermo:

The time is 06:25:20pm
about to connect ...

*** begin myLogger function ***
lvl: 8192 | msg:mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead | file:C:\Apache24\htdocs\causes_parse_error.php | ln:82
*** end myLogger function ***

Key size: 32
in encrypt() passed [email protected] and ��K~:صGc��U��)���^A~/�*�
Assert ... plaintext= [email protected]
leaving encrypt() with 7n7aTyDo4E4WvtDseUcSM3JMjKipFalVRWhPwu6P5vUdYjN9btNNPo1qlOxB+TKtwfCCr/2ctTCNPxrdVz5Egg==

in hashword()
Key size: 32
in encrypt() passed [email protected] and ��K~:صGc��U��)���^A~/�*�
Assert ... plaintext= [email protected]
leaving encrypt() with uXCKvAUVuBcoPxIbqpbfMZRD50Bu7XSwP75MapBct9UdYjN9btNNPo1qlOxB+TKtwfCCr/2ctTCNPxrdVz5Egg==

Key size: 32
in encrypt() passed Drew and ��K~:صGc��U��)���^A~/�*�
Assert ... plaintext= Drew
leaving encrypt() with 61B1AJtpaK7hx0bFSBNXr9Z0ZFIUkrQXCZcQ5D4pvySzLFfIEEB/2r2FvCLZMobUd3jWRIiyFSfLy4/qTXsT5w==

Key size: 32
in encrypt() passed Pierce and ��K~:صGc��U��)���^A~/�*�
Assert ... plaintext= Pierce
leaving encrypt() with /JFBohEe96R7sFnQxu+ujvgFv8WZl9Pdss+zv8tVptJk2xrZH8Pb3xjfGmWGH92W/h4aeWrPS8ICEIojKtYrgw==

INSERT INTO `xxxxxxx`.`xxxxxxx` (`hash`, `studentemail`, `studentfirstname`, `studentsurname`, `oscopetutcount`, `siggentutcount`, `mmetertutcount`, `lprobetutcount`, `psupplytutcount`, `oscopetest`, `siggentest`, `mmetertest`, `lprobetest`, `psupplytest`, `exam`, `userpass`, `ID`, `domain`, `licensecount`, `licensemax`, `licenceexpire`) VALUES ('a96b65a721e561e1e3de768ac819ffbb', 'uXCKvAUVuBcoPxIbqpbfMZRD50Bu7XSwP75MapBct9UdYjN9btNNPo1qlOxB+TKtwfCCr/2ctTCNPxrdVz5Egg==', '61B1AJtpaK7hx0bFSBNXr9Z0ZFIUkrQXCZcQ5D4pvySzLFfIEEB/2r2FvCLZMobUd3jWRIiyFSfLy4/qTXsT5w==', '/JFBohEe96R7sFnQxu+ujvgFv8WZl9Pdss+zv8tVptJk2xrZH8Pb3xjfGmWGH92W/h4aeWrPS8ICEIojKtYrgw==', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$1$3db1a73a$i5Pb3o2s6tV4uWDivvmLA1', NULL, '', '0', '', NULL)
near bottom

First finally

Fondamentalmente, sono contento del modo in cui stanno uscendo gli ASSERTS, con gli IV incorporati (vettori di inizializzazione).

La scrittura nel database non era il problema con questa domanda, poiché puoi vedere un commento in quell'area. Piuttosto, era una domanda sulla crittografia/decrittografia.

Il destinatario del testo cifrato può decrittografarlo come IV in anteposto e avrà la chiave. Se non hanno la chiave, peccato.

Buona fortuna ! E cambia quella libreria in ... come ... DOP !