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PHP:la query PDO non restituisce risultati, ma la stessa query restituisce 4 risultati in phpmyadmin?

Penso che non stavi includendo i parametri tra virgolette singole. Prova questo codice

$query = "SELECT `ent`.`Entity_Id`, `ent`.`Profile_Pic_Url`, `ent`.`First_Name`, `ent`.`Last_Name`, `ent`.`Last_CheckIn_Place`, `comments`.`Content`
      FROM   `checkin_comments` AS `comments`
      JOIN   `entity` AS `ent`
      ON     `comments`.`Entity_Id` = `ent`.`Entity_Id`
      LEFT JOIN `friends` AS `f`
      ON     `ent`.`Entity_Id` = ':entityId'
      WHERE  `comments`.`Chk_Id` = ':checkInId'
      AND    `f`.`Category` != 4
      GROUP BY `comments`.`Comment_Id`

// Bind the parameters to the query
$data = Array(":checkInId" => (int)$checkInId, ":entityId" => (int)$userId);

Spero che questo aiuterà.