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Gruppo Laravel Eloquent per record più recente

Per ottenere l'ultimo record per cliente per ogni città in base a created_at puoi usare un self join

DB::table('yourTable as t')
  ->leftJoin('yourTable as t1', function ($join) {
             ->where('t.City', '=', 't1.City')
             ->whereRaw(DB::raw('t.created_at < t1.created_at'));

In semplice SQL sarebbe qualcosa come

select t.*
from yourTable t
left join yourTable t1
on t.Customer = t1.Customer
and t.City = t1.City
and t.created_at < t1.created_at
where is null


Un altro approccio con il self inner join sarebbe

select t.*
from yourTable t
join (
    select  Customer,City,max(ID) ID
    from yourTable
    group by Customer,City
) t1
on t.Customer = t1.Customer
and t.City = t1.City
and t.ID = t1.ID
