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Meteor filtra dinamicamente il menu a discesa quando viene selezionato un altro menu a discesa

[AGGIORNAMENTO: guarda l'implementazione di questa risposta qui ]

OK, ho capito come farlo, ma mi sono anche reso conto che ho un altro problema che probabilmente stava causando il problema e impedendo il mio Session.set() valori dall'impostazione corretta (creerò una domanda SO separata per quella).

Ho deciso di iniziare da zero e creare un'app giocattolo che avesse solo i due campi a discesa in modo da poter ottenere la funzionalità di dipendenza corretta.

Il mio ufficio blocca meteorpad , ma ho impostato il codice di seguito, quindi penso che potresti incollarlo e provarlo. Ho aggiunto un terzo campo e puoi vedere che una volta selezionato il primo campo (Dipartimento), aggiorna le opzioni disponibili nel 2° menu a tendina (Mfg.) e quando selezioni un valore Mfg., aggiorna il 3° (Vendor ).


  <title>Dropdown Test</title>


  {{> dropdowns}}


<!-- Begin Templates  -->
<template name="dropdowns">
  <field class="dept-name">Dept:
    {{> departments}}
  <field class="mfg-number">Mfg:
    {{> manufacturers}}
  <field class="vendor-name">Vendor:
    {{> vendors}}

<!-- Department dropdown -->
<template name="departments">
  <select autocomplete="off" name="departmentNums" class="form-control department-selection">
    {{# each departmentNums}}
    {{> departmentNum}}

<template name="departmentNum">

<!-- Manufacturer dropdown -->
<template name="manufacturers">
  <select autocomplete="off" name="manufacturerNums" class="form-control manufacturer-selection">
    {{# each manufacturers}}
    {{> manufacturerNum}}

<template name="manufacturerNum">

<!-- Vendor dropdown -->
<template name="vendors">
  <select autocomplete="off" name="vendorNames" class="form-control vendor-selection">
    {{# each vendorNames}}
    {{> vendorName}}

<template name="vendorName">


Vendors = new Mongo.Collection('vendors');

if (Meteor.isClient) {
  /****************************** Subscriptions ********************************/

  /****************************** Department templates js ***********************/
    departmentNums: function() {
      // Get all the departments and sort them ascending
      var everything = Vendors.find({}, {sort: {dept:1}}).fetch();
      // De-dupe list of departments
      var justDepartments = _.pluck(everything,"dept");
      return _.uniq(justDepartments);
    "change .department-selection": function(e, t){
      return Session.set("department", $("[name=departmentNums]").val());

  /****************************** Manufacturer templates js *********************/
    manufacturers: function() {
      // Find only manufacturers that have the same dept as the session and sort them ascending
      var everything = Vendors.find({dept: Session.get('department')}, {sort: {mfg:1}}).fetch();
      // De-dupe list of manufactuerers
      var justManufacturers = _.pluck(everything, "mfg");
      return _.uniq(justManufacturers);
    "change .manufacturer-selection": function(e, t){
      return Session.set("manufacturer", $("[name=manufacturerNums]").val());

  /****************************** Vendor templates js *************************/
    vendorNames: function(){
      // Filter on vendors that have the same dept and mfg as in previous dropdowns
      return Vendors.find(
        {dept: Session.get('department'),
         mfg: Session.get('manufacturer')}

    getVendorName: function() {
      Session.set("vendor", $("[name=vendorNames]").val());
    "change .vendor-selection": function(e, t){
      return Session.set("vendor", $("[name=vendorNames]").val())

// Populate Vendors collection if empty
if (Meteor.isServer) {
  Meteor.startup(function() {
    // Make sure the Vendors collection has data
    if (Vendors.find().count() === 0) {
        name: 'CHANEL',
        dept: '143',
        mfg: '23'

        name: 'GUCCI',
        dept: '234',
        mfg: '36'

        name: 'COACH',
        dept: '636',
        mfg: '99'

        name: 'ROBERTO-COIN',
        dept: '989',
        mfg: '1'

        name: 'TOP SHOP',
        dept: '143',
        mfg: '86'

        name: 'KIMs SHIRTS',
        dept: '234',
        mfg: '86'