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Come riempire le date e i valori mancanti nei dati partizionati?

Innanzitutto, devi generare le date. Quindi puoi generare tutte le combinazioni di data e nome. Infine, inserisci i valori. Ecco un esempio che utilizza cross apply :

with dates as (
      select @MINDATE as thedate
      union all
      select dateadd(day, 1, thedate)
      from dates
      where dateadd(day, 1, thedate) <= getdate()
select thedate, vals.val
from dates cross join
     (select distinct name from hypothetical) h cross apply
     (select top 1 val
      from hypothetical h2
      where h2.name = h.name and h2.date <= dates.thedate
      order by date desc
     ) vals;