È importante che un amministratore di database sappia quando non c'è spazio su un disco. Pertanto, è meglio automatizzare il processo in modo che non lo facciano manualmente su ciascun server.
In questo articolo, descriverò come implementare la raccolta giornaliera automatica di dati su unità logiche e file di database.
1. Creare tabelle di archiviazione dati:
1.1. per i file di database:
USE [DATABASE_NAME] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [srv].[DBFile]( [DBFile_GUID] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL, [Server] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [Name] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [Drive] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL, [Physical_Name] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [Ext] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [Growth] [int] NOT NULL, [IsPercentGrowth] [int] NOT NULL, [DB_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [DB_Name] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [SizeMb] [float] NOT NULL, [DiffSizeMb] [float] NOT NULL, [InsertUTCDate] [datetime] NOT NULL, [UpdateUTCdate] [datetime] NOT NULL, [File_ID] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DBFile] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [DBFile_GUID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [srv].[DBFile] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_DBFile_DBFile_GUID] DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [DBFile_GUID] GO ALTER TABLE [srv].[DBFile] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_DBFile_InsertUTCDate] DEFAULT (getutcdate()) FOR [InsertUTCDate] GO ALTER TABLE [srv].[DBFile] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_DBFile_UpdateUTCdate] DEFAULT (getutcdate()) FOR [UpdateUTCdate] GO
1.2. per le unità logiche:
USE [DATABASE_NAME] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [srv].[Drivers]( [Driver_GUID] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL, [Server] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [Name] [nvarchar](8) NOT NULL, [TotalSpace] [float] NOT NULL, [FreeSpace] [float] NOT NULL, [DiffFreeSpace] [float] NOT NULL, [InsertUTCDate] [datetime] NOT NULL, [UpdateUTCdate] [datetime] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Drivers] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Driver_GUID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [srv].[Drivers] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Drivers_Driver_GUID] DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [Driver_GUID] GO ALTER TABLE [srv].[Drivers] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Drivers_Server] DEFAULT (@@servername) FOR [Server] GO ALTER TABLE [srv].[Drivers] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Drivers_TotalSpace] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [TotalSpace] GO ALTER TABLE [srv].[Drivers] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Drivers_FreeSpace] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [FreeSpace] GO ALTER TABLE [srv].[Drivers] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Drivers_DiffFreeSpace] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [DiffFreeSpace] GO ALTER TABLE [srv].[Drivers] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Drivers_InsertUTCDate] DEFAULT (getutcdate()) FOR [InsertUTCDate] GO ALTER TABLE [srv].[Drivers] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Drivers_UpdateUTCdate] DEFAULT (getutcdate()) FOR [UpdateUTCdate] GO
Inoltre, è necessario compilare in anticipo una tabella con le unità logiche nel modo seguente:
Nome del server – etichetta del volume
2. creare una vista necessaria per la raccolta dei dati sui file di database:
USE [DATABASE_NAME] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE view [inf].[ServerDBFileInfo] as SELECT @@Servername AS Server , File_id ,--file_id in a database. Its main value always equals 1 Type_desc ,--description of a file type Name as [FileName] ,--logic file name in a database LEFT(Physical_Name, 1) AS Drive ,--volume label where a database file is located Physical_Name ,--a full name of a file in the operating system RIGHT(physical_name, 3) AS Ext ,--file extension Size as CountPage, --current file size in pages of 8 Kb round((cast(Size*8 as float))/1024,3) as SizeMb, --file size in Mb Growth, --growth is_percent_growth, --growth in % database_id, DB_Name(database_id) as [DB_Name] FROM sys.master_files--database_files GO
Qui viene utilizzata la vista di sistema sys.master_files.
3. Creare una procedura memorizzata che restituisca informazioni su un'unità logica:
USE [DATABASE_NAME] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO create procedure [srv].[sp_DriveSpace] @DrivePath varchar(1024) --device (it is possible to set a volume label 'C:') , @TotalSpace float output --total volume in bytes , @FreeSpace float output --free disk space in bytes as begin DECLARE @fso int , @Drive int , @DriveName varchar(255) , @Folder int , @Drives int , @source varchar(255) , @desc varchar(255) , @ret int , @Object int -- Create an object of a file system exec @ret = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @fso output set @Object = @fso if @ret != 0 goto ErrorInfo -- Get a folder on the specified path exec @ret = sp_OAmethod @fso, 'GetFolder', @Folder output, @DrivePath set @Object = @fso if @ret != 0 goto ErrorInfo -- Get a device exec @ret = sp_OAmethod @Folder, 'Drive', @Drive output set @Object = @Folder if @ret != 0 goto ErrorInfo -- Determine the whole device storage space exec @ret = sp_OAGetProperty @Drive, 'TotalSize', @TotalSpace output set @Object = @Drive if @ret != 0 goto ErrorInfo -- Determine a free space on a disk exec @ret = sp_OAGetProperty @Drive, 'AvailableSpace', @FreeSpace output set @Object = @Drive if @ret != 0 goto ErrorInfo DestroyObjects: if @Folder is not null exec sp_OADestroy @Folder if @Drive is not null exec sp_OADestroy @Drive if @fso is not null exec sp_OADestroy @fso return (@ret) ErrorInfo: exec sp_OAGetErrorInfo @Object, @source output, @desc output print 'Source error: ' + isnull( @source, 'n/a' ) + char(13) + 'Description: ' + isnull( @desc, 'n/a' ) goto DestroyObjects; end GO
Per ottenere informazioni dettagliate su questa procedura, fare riferimento al seguente articolo:Spazio su disco in T-SQL.
4. Creare una procedura memorizzata per la raccolta dei dati:
4.1. per i file di database:
USE [DATABASE_NAME] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [srv].[MergeDBFileInfo] AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; ;merge [srv].[DBFile] as f using [inf].[ServerDBFileInfo] as ff on f.File_ID=ff.File_ID and f.DB_ID=ff.[database_id] and f.[Server]=ff.[Server] when matched then update set UpdateUTcDate = getUTCDate() ,[Name] = ff.[FileName] ,[Drive] = ff.[Drive] ,[Physical_Name] = ff.[Physical_Name] ,[Ext] = ff.[Ext] ,[Growth] = ff.[Growth] ,[IsPercentGrowth] = ff.[is_percent_growth] ,[SizeMb] = ff.[SizeMb] ,[DiffSizeMb] = round(ff.[SizeMb]-f.[SizeMb],3) when not matched by target then insert ( [Server] ,[Name] ,[Drive] ,[Physical_Name] ,[Ext] ,[Growth] ,[IsPercentGrowth] ,[DB_ID] ,[DB_Name] ,[SizeMb] ,[File_ID] ,[DiffSizeMb] ) values ( ff.[Server] ,ff.[FileName] ,ff.[Drive] ,ff.[Physical_Name] ,ff.[Ext] ,ff.[Growth] ,ff.[is_percent_growth] ,ff.[database_id] ,ff.[DB_Name] ,ff.[SizeMb] ,ff.[File_id] ,0 ) when not matched by source and f.[Server][email protected]@SERVERNAME then delete; END GO
4.2. per le unità logiche:
USE [DATABASE_NAME] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [srv].[MergeDriverInfo] AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; declare @Drivers table ( [Server] nvarchar(255), Name nvarchar(8), TotalSpace float, FreeSpace float, DiffFreeSpace float NULL ); insert into @Drivers ( [Server], Name, TotalSpace, FreeSpace ) select [Server], Name, TotalSpace, FreeSpace from srv.Drivers where [Server][email protected]@SERVERNAME; declare @TotalSpace float; declare @FreeSpace float; declare @DrivePath nvarchar(8); while(exists(select top(1) 1 from @Drivers where DiffFreeSpace is null)) begin select top(1) @DrivePath=Name from @Drivers where DiffFreeSpace is null; exec srv.sp_DriveSpace @DrivePath = @DrivePath , @TotalSpace = @TotalSpace out , @FreeSpace = @FreeSpace out; update @Drivers set [email protected] ,[email protected] ,DiffFreeSpace=case when FreeSpace>0 then round([email protected],3) else 0 end where [email protected]; end ;merge [srv].[Drivers] as d using @Drivers as dd on d.Name=dd.Name and d.[Server]=dd.[Server] when matched then update set UpdateUTcDate = getUTCDate() ,[TotalSpace] = dd.[TotalSpace] ,[FreeSpace] = dd.[FreeSpace] ,[DiffFreeSpace]= dd.[DiffFreeSpace]; END GO
5. Crea viste per l'output dei dati:
5.1. per i file di database:
USE [DATABASE_NAME] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO create view [srv].[vDBFiles] as SELECT [DBFile_GUID] ,[Server] ,[Name] ,[Drive] ,[Physical_Name] ,[Ext] ,[Growth] ,[IsPercentGrowth] ,[DB_ID] ,[File_ID] ,[DB_Name] ,[SizeMb] ,[DiffSizeMb] ,round([SizeMb]/1024,3) as [SizeGb] ,round([DiffSizeMb]/1024,3) as [DiffSizeGb] ,round([SizeMb]/1024/1024,3) as [SizeTb] ,round([DiffSizeMb]/1024/1024,3) as [DiffSizeTb] ,round([DiffSizeMb]/([SizeMb]/100), 3) as [DiffSizePercent] ,[InsertUTCDate] ,[UpdateUTCdate] FROM [srv].[DBFile]; GO
5.2. per i dischi logici:
USE [DATABASE_NAME] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO create view [srv].[vDrivers] as select [Driver_GUID] ,[Server] ,[Name] ,[TotalSpace] as [TotalSpaceByte] ,[FreeSpace] as [FreeSpaceByte] ,[DiffFreeSpace] as [DiffFreeSpaceByte] ,round([TotalSpace]/1024, 3) as [TotalSpaceKb] ,round([FreeSpace]/1024, 3) as [FreeSpaceKb] ,round([DiffFreeSpace]/1024, 3) as [DiffFreeSpaceKb] ,round([TotalSpace]/1024/1024, 3) as [TotalSpaceMb] ,round([FreeSpace]/1024/1024, 3) as [FreeSpaceMb] ,round([DiffFreeSpace]/1024/1024, 3) as [DiffFreeSpaceMb] ,round([TotalSpace]/1024/1024/1024, 3) as [TotalSpaceGb] ,round([FreeSpace]/1024/1024/1024, 3) as [FreeSpaceGb] ,round([DiffFreeSpace]/1024/1024/1024, 3) as [DiffFreeSpaceGb] ,round([TotalSpace]/1024/1024/1024/1024, 3) as [TotalSpaceTb] ,round([FreeSpace]/1024/1024/1024/1024, 3) as [FreeSpaceTb] ,round([DiffFreeSpace]/1024/1024/1024/1024, 3) as [DiffFreeSpaceTb] ,round([FreeSpace]/([TotalSpace]/100), 3) as [FreeSpacePercent] ,round([DiffFreeSpace]/([TotalSpace]/100), 3) as [DiffFreeSpacePercent] ,[InsertUTCDate] ,[UpdateUTCdate] FROM [srv].[Drivers] GO
6. Creare un'attività in SQL Server Agent ed eseguirla una volta al giorno:
USE [DATABASE_NAME]; GO exec srv.MergeDBFileInfo; exec srv.MergeDriverInfo;
7. Raccogliere tutti i dati in uscita dai server. Puoi farlo utilizzando SQL Server Agent, ad esempio.
8. Creare una procedura memorizzata per generare un report e inviarlo agli amministratori. Poiché è possibile implementarlo in diversi modi, lo considererò su questo esempio particolare:
USE [DATABASE_NAME] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [srv].[GetHTMLTableShortInfoDrivers] @body nvarchar(max) OUTPUT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; declare @tbl table ( Driver_GUID uniqueidentifier ,[Name] nvarchar(255) ,[TotalSpaceGb] float ,[FreeSpaceGb] float ,[DiffFreeSpaceMb] float ,[FreeSpacePercent] float ,[DiffFreeSpacePercent] float ,UpdateUTCDate datetime ,[Server] nvarchar(255) ,ID int identity(1,1) ); declare @Driver_GUID uniqueidentifier ,@Name nvarchar(255) ,@TotalSpaceGb float ,@FreeSpaceGb float ,@DiffFreeSpaceMb float ,@FreeSpacePercent float ,@DiffFreeSpacePercent float ,@UpdateUTCDate datetime ,@Server nvarchar(255) ,@ID int; insert into @tbl( Driver_GUID ,[Name] ,[TotalSpaceGb] ,[FreeSpaceGb] ,[DiffFreeSpaceMb] ,[FreeSpacePercent] ,[DiffFreeSpacePercent] ,UpdateUTCDate ,[Server] ) select Driver_GUID ,[Name] ,[TotalSpaceGb] ,[FreeSpaceGb] ,[DiffFreeSpaceMb] ,[FreeSpacePercent] ,[DiffFreeSpacePercent] ,UpdateUTCDate ,[Server] from srv.vDrivers where [DiffFreeSpacePercent]<=-5 or [FreeSpacePercent]<=15 order by [Server] asc, [Name] asc; if(exists(select top(1) 1 from @tbl)) begin set @body='When analyzing I have got the data storage devices that either have free disk space less than 15%, or free space decreases over 5% a day:<br><br>'+'<TABLE BORDER=5>'; set @[email protected]+'<TR>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+'№ p/p'; set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+'GUID'; set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+'SEVER'; set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+'TOM'; set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+'VOLUME, GB.'; set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+'FREE, GB.'; set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+'FREE SPACE CHANGE, MB.'; set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+'FREE, %'; set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+'FREE SPACE CHANGE, %'; set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+'UTC DETECTION TIME'; set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'</TR>'; while((select top 1 1 from @tbl)>0) begin set @[email protected]+'<TR>'; select top 1 @Driver_GUID = Driver_GUID ,@Name = Name ,@TotalSpaceGb = TotalSpaceGb ,@FreeSpaceGb = FreeSpaceGb ,@DiffFreeSpaceMb = DiffFreeSpaceMb ,@FreeSpacePercent = FreeSpacePercent ,@DiffFreeSpacePercent = DiffFreeSpacePercent ,@UpdateUTCDate = UpdateUTCDate ,@Server = [Server] ,@ID = [ID] from @tbl; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+cast(@ID as nvarchar(max)); set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+cast(@Driver_GUID as nvarchar(255)); set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+coalesce(@Server,''); set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+coalesce(@Name,''); set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+cast(@TotalSpaceGb as nvarchar(255)); set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+cast(@FreeSpaceGb as nvarchar(255)); set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+cast(@DiffFreeSpaceMb as nvarchar(255)); set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+cast(@FreeSpacePercent as nvarchar(255)); set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+cast(@DiffFreeSpacePercent as nvarchar(255)); set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; set @[email protected]+'<TD>'; set @[email protected]+rep.GetDateFormat(@UpdateUTCDate, default)+' '+rep.GetTimeFormat(@UpdateUTCDate, default); set @[email protected]+'</TD>'; delete from @tbl where [email protected]; set @[email protected]+'</TR>'; end set @[email protected]+'</TABLE>'; set @[email protected]+'<br><br>'; To get the detailed information, refer to the view SRV.srv.vDrivers<br><br> To view the information on database files, refer to the view DATABASE_NAME.srv.vDBFiles'; end END GO
Questa procedura memorizzata genera un report HTML sulle unità logiche che hanno uno spazio libero su disco inferiore al 15% o che lo spazio libero diminuisce di oltre il 5% al giorno. Quest'ultimo mostra una strana attività di record che significa che qualcuno memorizza troppe informazioni su questo disco molto spesso. Potrebbe accadere per i seguenti motivi:
- È il momento di estendere un disco;
- È necessario eliminare i file inutilizzati su un'unità logica;
- Cancella e riduci i file di registro, nonché i file di informazioni e altre tabelle.
In questo articolo, ho analizzato un esempio di implementazione di un sistema di raccolta automatica giornaliera dei dati su unità locali e file di database. Queste informazioni consentono di scoprire in anticipo quale disco ha meno spazio libero e quali file di database crescono drasticamente. Consente di evitare un caso quando non c'è spazio su un disco e di scoprire un motivo per cui un processo occupa molto spazio su un disco.
Leggi anche:
Raccolta automatica dei dati delle modifiche allo schema del database in MS SQL Server
Raccolta automatica dei dati sulle attività completate in MS SQL Server