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Selezione di righe da una tabella che hanno lo stesso valore per un campo

Dovrai unirti agli studenti contro se stesso:

SELECT s1.initials, s1.lastName
FROM Student s1, Student s2
WHERE s1.studentId <> s2.studentID /* Every student has the same tutor as himself */
AND s1.tutorId = s2.tutorid

Se vuoi produrre le coppie:

SELECT s1.initials, s1.lastName, s2.initials, s2.lastName
FROM Student s1, Student s2
WHERE s1.studentId <> s2.studentID /* Every student has the same tutor as himself */
AND s1.tutorId = s2.tutorid

Per ottenere un elenco di Tutor - Studenti:

SELECT tutorId, GROUP_CONCAT( initials, lastName SEPARATOR ', ') 
FROM `Student` 
GROUP BY tutorId
/* to only show tutors that have more than 1 student: */
/* HAVING COUNT(studentid) > 1 */