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MySql ricerca fulltext in PHP utilizzando una stringa contenente parole chiave

Come MySQL il manuale dice:

Diamo un'occhiata alla tabella di esempio:

mysql> select * from articles;
| id | title                 | body                                     |
|  1 | PostgreSQL Tutorial   | DBMS stands for DataBase ...             |
|  2 | How To Use MySQL Well | After you went through a ...             |
|  3 | Optimizing MySQL      | In this tutorial we will show ...        |
|  4 | 1001 MySQL Tricks     | 1. Never run mysqld as root. 2. ...      |
|  5 | MySQL vs. YourSQL     | In the following database comparison ... |
|  6 | MySQL Security        | When configured properly, MySQL ...      |

mysql> SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH (title,body)
     AGAINST ('"database comparison"' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

| id | title             | body                                     |
|  5 | MySQL vs. YourSQL | In the following database comparison ... |

L'ordine conta, quando le parole sono citate:

mysql> SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH (title,body)
     AGAINST ('"comparison database"' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

Empty set (0.01 sec)

Quando rimuoviamo le virgolette, cercherà righe contenenti parole "database" o "confronto":

mysql> SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH (title,body)
     AGAINST ('database comparison' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

| id | title               | body                                     |
|  1 | PostgreSQL Tutorial | DBMS stands for DataBase ...             |
|  5 | MySQL vs. YourSQL   | In the following database comparison ... |

L'ordine non conta ora:

mysql> SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH (title,body)
     AGAINST ('comparison database' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

| id | title               | body                                     |
|  1 | PostgreSQL Tutorial | DBMS stands for DataBase ...             |
|  5 | MySQL vs. YourSQL   | In the following database comparison ... |

Se vogliamo ottenere righe contenenti la parola "PostgreSQL" o la frase "confronto database", dovremmo utilizzare questa richiesta:

mysql> SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH (title,body)
     AGAINST ('PostgreSQL "database comparison"' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

| id | title               | body                                     |
|  1 | PostgreSQL Tutorial | DBMS stands for DataBase ...             |
|  5 | MySQL vs. YourSQL   | In the following database comparison ... |


Assicurati che le parole che stai cercando non siano nel elenco di stopword , che vengono ignorati.