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gestione dei dati HTML nella query Oracle

La ricerca di una query "perfetta" potrebbe essere una causa persa; browser (compresi i browser di testo, come consigliato altrove) hanno passato anni a risolvere tutti i nodi e i casi limite.

Se proprio non puoi utilizzare una risorsa esterna, puoi percorrere il DOM tramite dbms_xmldom pacchetto. Ecco una demo che utilizza un blocco anonimo e il tuo valore di esempio, che viene stampato sullo schermo (se abilitato); ma potresti facilmente adattarlo a una funzione che restituisce un CLOB o qualsiasi cosa tu abbia bisogno come risultato finale.

set serveroutput on
set define off

  l_element xmldom.domelement;
  l_document xmldom.domdocument;
  l_text clob;

  procedure print_node (p_node xmldom.domnode) is
    l_nodes dbms_xmldom.domnodelist;
    -- print out any plain text
    if dbms_xmldom.getnodetype(p_node) = 3
        and dbms_xmldom.getnodename(p_node) = '#text' then
    end if;
    -- just to match your expected output, add a blank line for p tags
    if dbms_xmldom.getnodetype(p_node) = 1
        and dbms_xmldom.getnodename(p_node) = 'p' then
    end if;
    -- get any child nodes
    l_nodes := dbms_xmldom.getchildnodes(p_node);
    -- process each node in turn, recursively
    for i in 0..dbms_xmldom.getlength(l_nodes) - 1 loop
      print_node(dbms_xmldom.item(l_nodes, i));
    end loop;
  end print_node;

  l_text := '<p>NAME:&nbsp;&nbsp;XXX<br />Company Name: &nbsp;YYYYY<br />Location:&nbsp;ZZZ, 22 Z1Z1Z1, Z2Z2Z2,Z3Z3Z3, 0000024, IND<br />Type:&nbsp;PrePA<br />Team:&nbsp;Team1, Dues tamble <br />Date:&nbsp;January 25 &ndash; 26, 2016<br />Rating: &nbsp;Tr 2<br />Number:&nbsp;8554342</p>
<p><u>Observ: <br /></u>There were (6) major and (2) minor .<br />&nbsp;<br />MAJOR</p><ul>    <li>Sample Text_1.</li>    <li>Sample Text_2.</li>    
<li>Sample Text_33.</li>    <li>Sample Text_4.</li>    <li>Sample Text_5.</li></ul><p>MINOR</p><ul>    <li>Sample Text_7</li>    
<li>Sample Text_8<br />    &nbsp;</li></ul><p><b> Background</b><br />&nbsp;</p>'; 

  -- wrap the fragment in a root node so it parses, and run through
  -- utl_i18n.unescape_reference to get rid of &nbsp; etc.
  l_document := dbms_xmldom.newdomdocument('<html>'
    || utl_i18n.unescape_reference(l_text) || '</html>');
  -- get the root element (which is now the added html)
  l_element := dbms_xmldom.getdocumentelement(l_document);
  -- call the recursive procedure to process this node

Che produce:

Company Name:  YYYYY
Location: ZZZ, 22 Z1Z1Z1, Z2Z2Z2,Z3Z3Z3, 0000024, IND
Type: PrePA
Team: Team1, Dues tamble 
Date: January 25 – 26, 2016
Rating:  Tr 2
Number: 8554342

There were (6) major and (2) minor .
Sample Text_1.
Sample Text_2.
Sample Text_33.
Sample Text_4.
Sample Text_5.

Sample Text_7
Sample Text_8
