Declare -- create a numeric variable to hold show_alert return value nalertbutton number; Begin -- set the message for alert set_alert_property('good_msg', alert_message_text, 'Records saved successfully.'); -- after below statement the execution will hold till you click on ok.. becuase it is an modal window nalertbutton := show_alert('good_msg'); :alertblock.result := 'That was a good message.'; -- after this you can perform any task... End;Il codice seguente è scritto per il pulsante "Mostra messaggio di errore" per visualizzare un messaggio di errore:
Declare -- create a numeric variable to hold show_alert return value nalertbutton number; Begin -- set the message for alert set_alert_property('error_msg', alert_message_text, 'An error occurred.'); -- after below statement the execution will hold till you click on ok.. becuase it is an modal window nalertbutton := show_alert('error_msg'); :alertblock.result := 'That was an ERROR message.'; -- after this you can perform any task... End;Il codice seguente è scritto per il pulsante "Chiedi conferma" per chiedere una conferma:
Declare -- create a numeric variable to hold show_alert return value nalertbutton number; Begin -- set the message for alert set_alert_property('ask_alert', alert_message_text, 'Confirm Yes or No?'); -- after below statement the execution will hold till you click on ok.. becuase it is an modal window nalertbutton := show_alert('ask_alert'); -- now check which button or answer have been choosen if nalertbutton = alert_button1 then :alertblock.result := 'You choose Yes.'; else :alertblock.result := 'You choose No.'; end if; -- after this you can perform any task... End;
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