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unpivot con colonne dinamiche più nomi di colonne

Puoi fare riferimento al nome della colonna da val for col in parte dell'unpivot. Col ottiene il nome della colonna

Esempio di violino

-- Build list of cols we want to unpivot (skip PID & UID)
declare @cols nvarchar(max) 
select @cols = coalesce(@cols+N',', N'') + quotename(c.name) from syscolumns c
inner join sysobjects o on c.id = o.id and o.xtype = 'u'
where o.name = 'MyTable' and c.name not in ('PID', 'UID') order by c.colid

declare @query nvarchar(max)  

select @query = N'
select PID, [UID], Col as ID, Val
    select PID, UID, ' + @cols + '
    from MyTable
    where UID <> 0
    ) as cp
    Val for Col in (' + @cols + ')
    ) as up
exec sp_executesql @query