Qualcosa del genere presupponendo created_at
è di tipo date
select p.name,
hc.note as current_note,
from patients p
join health_conditions hc on hc.patient_id = p.id
join (
select patient_id,
avg(note) as avg_note
from health_conditions hc2
where created_at between current_date - 30 and current_date - 1
group by patient_id
) avg on t.patient_id = hc.patient_id
where hc.created_at = current_date;
Questa è la sintassi di PostgreSQL. Non sono sicuro che MySQL supporti l'aritmetica delle date allo stesso modo.
Questo dovrebbe farti ottenere la nota più recente per ogni paziente, più la media degli ultimi 30 giorni:
select p.name,
hc.created_at as last_note_date
hc.note as current_note,
from patients p
join health_conditions hc
on hc.patient_id = p.id
and hc.created_at = (select max(created_at)
from health_conditions hc2
where hc2.patient_id = hc.patient_id)
join (
select patient_id,
avg(note) as avg_note
from health_conditions hc3
where created_at between current_date - 30 and current_date - 1
group by patient_id
) t on t.patient_id = hc.patient_id