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Migrazione di un'istruzione Oracle MERGE a un'istruzione UPSERT PostgreSQL

Non penso che ci sia un'istruzione UPSERT in PostgreSQL 9.3, ma puoi farlo:

with cte_dual as (
        v_c1 as key,
        v_c2 as pkey,
        v_c3 as wcount,
        v_c4 as dcount
), cte_update as (
    update my_table as a set
        wcount = b.wcount,
        dcount = b.dcount
    from cte_dual as b
    where b.key = a.key and b.pkey = a.pkey
    returning *
insert into my_table (key, pkey, wcount, dcount)
select d.key, d.pkey, d.wcount, d.dcount
from cte_dual as d
where not exists (select * from cte_update as u WHERE u.key = d.key and u.pkey = d.pkey)

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