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Campo di incremento con vincolo non nullo e univoco in PostgreSQL 8.3

Un'altra tabella, con più indici univoci:

create table utest(id integer, position integer not null, unique(id, position));
test=# \d utest
      Table "public.utest"
  Column  |  Type   | Modifiers 
 id       | integer | 
 position | integer | not null
    "utest_id_key" UNIQUE, btree (id, "position")

Alcuni dati:

insert into utest(id, position) select generate_series(1,3), 1;
insert into utest(id, position) select generate_series(1,3), 2;
insert into utest(id, position) select generate_series(1,3), 3;

test=# select * from utest order by id, position;
 id | position 
  1 |        1
  1 |        2
  1 |        3
  2 |        1
  2 |        2
  2 |        3
  3 |        1
  3 |        2
  3 |        3
(9 rows)

Ho creato una procedura che aggiorna i valori di posizione nell'ordine corretto:

create or replace function update_positions(i integer, p integer) 
  returns void as $$
  temprec record;
  for temprec in 
    select * 
      from utest u 
      where id = i and position >= p 
      order by position desc 
    raise notice 'Id = [%], Moving % to %', 

    update utest 
      set position = position+1 
      where position=temprec.position and id = i;
  end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;

Alcuni test:

test=# select * from update_positions(1, 2);
NOTICE:  Id = [1], Moving 3 to 4
NOTICE:  Id = [1], Moving 2 to 3

(1 row)

test=# select * from utest order by id, position;
 id | position 
  1 |        1
  1 |        3
  1 |        4
  2 |        1
  2 |        2
  2 |        3
  3 |        1
  3 |        2
  3 |        3
(9 rows)

Spero che aiuti.