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Come ottenere l'aggiornamento automatico dell'istruzione sql WHERE dal collegamento localhost

Usa questa affermazione per ottenere tutti i punteggi degli studenti del tuo test.

SELECT sq.stdid, sq.testid, COUNT(*) AS correctAnswers, 
SUM(q.marks) AS studentScore, (SELECT SUM(marks) FROM question 
WHERE testid=$_REQUEST['testid']) AS totalScore 
FROM question q, studentquestion sq 
WHERE sq.testid=$_REQUEST['testid'] AND q.testid = sq.testid 
AND q.qnid = sq.qnid AND sq.answered = 'answered' 
AND q.correctanswer = sq.stdanswer GROUP BY sq.stdid;

Puoi creare una variabile PHP per calcolare la percentuale. Ad esempio:

$scorePercentage = $r3['studentScore'] / $r3['totalScore'] * 100;


$scorePercentage = $r3['studentScore'] .'/'. $r3['totalScore'];

// Output: echo $scorePercentage;

Usa questa istruzione SQL per ottenere scorePercentage ora:
SELECT sq.stdid, sq.testid, COUNT(*) AS correctAnswers, 
(SUM(q.marks) / (SELECT SUM(marks) FROM question WHERE testid=1) * 100) 
AS studentScorePercentage FROM question q, studentquestion sq 
WHERE sq.testid=$_REQUEST['testid'] AND q.testid = sq.testid AND q.qnid = sq.qnid 
AND sq.answered = 'answered' AND q.correctanswer = sq.stdanswer 
GROUP BY sq.stdid;

SQLFiddle con i risultati precedenti qui:!9/8d47c/10